Best Asian Matchmaker

Matchmaker Cassindy and her team serve the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles Metropolitan, and Greater New York City for our clients providing them bespoke asian matchmaking and dating concierge services.

And it’s not just for love, we bring people together for friendships, networking and plain old fashioned fun.

Asian Matchmaking Service

Asian Dating Coach & Expert

Ancient Wisdom Modern Love (AWML) is not your grandmother’s matchmaker. We aren’t here to “arrange” a marriage or match two families or find you a merely “suitable” prospect. Our goal is your goal – to find you a deep connection leading to a vibrant relationship where both people thrive - to find “the One” for you.

Matchmaker Cassindy comes from a family of Matchmakers. She is a former Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Equities research analyst and happily married Mother of 3 but caught the matchmaking bug in college - matching dozens of couples at the “Wellesley College Asian Association Blind Date Semi-Formal”. Now, she is ready to work tirelessly on your behalf for True Love!

Matchmaker Cassindy


Matchmaker Services



  • Cassindy introduced.

    Our backgrounds were very similar, and we had lot in common, yet we would not have met without her nudge. We fell in love the day we first met and we’ve been married ever since. Cassindy is our trusted friend for life!

    KS & BN

  • We Found Marriage

    Getting married during pandemic was an adjustment and we made it work. Now you can add another success story to your list!

    PL & RS

  • Experienced Matchmaker.

    Cassie has been a matchmaker since her college days at Wellesley. She helped me identify my now husband. He is my one true love. He understands, accepts, and celebrates me. Without her sage advice, I would not be married today.

    SC & MD

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Let’s Find your Match Today!

We help our clients find extraordinary matches and often move beyond old expectations, stereotypes, habits and blockers and make sure they are ready for their last (and best) relationship.

Let’s Find your Match Today